Wednesday 8 June 2011

I Love you, I'm sorry and Help me

A recent 'chain post' on Facebook had the above as the three hardest things to say.

I Love you

Never really had a problem with this - always been able to say I love you, and I say it often, and always mean it.

I'm Sorry

A toughie, I am really bad at saying I am sorry - I often know I've gone to far and need to retract, but find it very hard to do. I have stopped saying a lot of things, so I can avoid saying I am sorry!

Help Me!

Yes another toughie, I will ask for help sometimes but only if I really really need it. I see it as a sign of weakness. I know people who ask for help over every little thing - they would rather ask for help than have a go at doing something for themselves, and it annoys me. It especially annoys me that I am often too stubborn to ask for help, even when I really really do need it, I would rather struggle than let anyone else know what a tough time I am having.

I guess people see different things as weakness - there are probably people out there who see saying 'I love you' as weak, or 'I am Sorry'

I guess the real weakness is not seeing that you can't do everything, you wont be the perfect Wife or Mother, you wont be the best at work, or have the cleanest house. Sometimes you are just an average person with average ability, and your weakness is not seeing that being average is ok.


  1. You're right, no one can do everything - most of us can be quite good at something though. (I'm very good at eating for example)

  2. Yes, I am pretty good at the eating thing - but would like to get worse at it ;o)

  3. I have always found it very difficult to say I love you. I think I only said it once to my mum and never to my dad - except when I was very little perhaps. It just wasn't something we used to say.

    I'm pretty good at saying sorry as I've had a lot to apologise about through my life. As for Help Me - I never used to ask for help, but I do it rather a lot now.

    Only just found this blog and I feel so sad thinking of that poor little girl with yogurt down her tie :-(

  4. It scarred me for life - the yogurt incident! So silly but when you are only 4 or 5 its so important!
    I always worry what message it gives if I ask for help - people can be very judgmental - I know I am one of those people, and I judge myself very harshly! x
