Sunday 26 June 2011

Mine all Mine

My lounge looks like a playground with toys scattered everywhere,
Where once were neutral colours lay brightly coloured bears,
I sit down on the sofa and a small squeak from my rear,
No not noxious gas but a plastic toy with squeaker landed here.

My fluffy throws are matted now and tatted on the floor,
Stickers now cover my once beautifully stained wooden door,
Be careful where you step now for bare feet often find,
a misplaced toy or worse than that old food an orange rind.

I wanted children so much I knew I would love them dear,
But sometimes I do wonder if I was right now they are here,
Then I look into their faces and see the wonder in their eyes,
The pure love they have for me and more for them have I.

One day they will be gone from here with lives all of their own,
So I shall enjoy the colourful world they have created in my home,
The neutral colours I held so dear now seem boring and bland,
I dread the day when colours no longer stream from little hands.

I'll come down in the morning and silence will prevail,
Breakfast crumbs will no longer lay like freshly fallen hail,
I'll sit and drink my coffee and look back to a time,
When my babies were just that – mine all mine.

1 comment:

  1. That's lovely - it's brought a tear to my eye. You don't half miss them when they've grown up, but then you get grandchildren and it all starts over again :-)
